Thursday, July 8, 2010


So it's been awhile since I've written... I am gonna make it a point to write at least once a week. Life has not not been so great, but a lot o thing have happened... The burden of war and the things I have seen and done still weigh heavily on my mind and my soul. Life is better, financially... But I still have a lot of work to do on myself and my family. My psych appointments have been going well, I know there is progress being made... But I still do have constant thoughts of just total worthlessness, and thoughts of just ending everything because it just seems like it would be a lot easier on me and easier on everyone else. I mean I feel like I'm going to he'll for things I've done anyways... So I might as well just get there sooner. But I dunno... Just writing some thoughts that I constantly have on my mind...

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Location:Fort Thomas Pl,Round Rock,United States