Friday, April 15, 2011

Handling deployments... after the Army

I've been out of the Army for like 6 years now. Since then I have friends who have deployed 3 or 4 more times, and I can't help but feel like I should be going with them. It never fails... when I hear of my Brothers leaving again to go back to war... it hits me so hard.

The other night, we had a get together with a bunch of friends... and as usual... I end up in a deep conversation with the two guys I was deployed with. It seems like it always happens and we alway end up talking about war, and our deployment specifically. I can honestly say that I have a bond with these guys that will last a lifetime, because of the shit we have seen and the shit we have been through together. We even discussed the fact that the guys we were with during the first deployment in 2003 have a bond stronger than any other deployment because the deployments now are so different. Im not going to get into all of that.

Once again here I am... one of my closest friends is leaving on Sunday... not only is he deploying to Afghanistan... but he is deploying about a month before his daughter is due. I mean wtf. If it isn't fucked up enough that he has to leave his son and wife again... he is going to iss the birth of his daughter. I remember the day my daughter was born... it was one of the greatest... most happiest days of my life and he is going to miss it. And its not just hard on him... I cant even imagine what his wife is going through. I mean being prego is stressful enough, but being prego and having your husband shipped off to war... its a good thing she is such a strong woman and has such a close supportive family.

I just had some thoughts running through my mind and I had to write them... thanks for listening.